crystal | malboro
updated regularly throughout the month

••●••High end raiding••●••Unreal••●••Extreme••●••Savage••●••Ultimate••●••Chaotic••●••Learning parties for new raiders••●••Social events••●••Weekly maps parties••●••Weekly fate trains••●••BLU learning/trials••●••Tarot events••●••Deep Dungeons••●••Tutorial Events••●••Crafting events••●••Necromancer Training••●••Returning to old content••●••Variety gaming••●••Lots of time in voice call••●••Gposing events••●••RP ventures••●••Monthly Gold Saucer competitions••●••Creative Contests••●••Housing, glam and more••●••
about us
Social, content-focused FC created by previous FC leads, long term XIV players, late game raiders and more. We aim to create a space that can be enjoyed by any player, late gamers, and social players alike. Between all of us, we all have a hand in every play style. We're a social group first and foremost, all playing other games outside of XIV together, consisting of many FPS, survival games, MOBAs, other MMOs and more. Due to this, we're super big on group game, movie, anime, and show nights. Almost every weekend you can expect us to set up party games and drinks with the dawgs. Most nights you'll find us in VC at the very least, come hang, don't be shy! If you're looking to trial us for a bit before joining, you're totally welcome to hop into our server and do that as well!
Outside of our social tendencies, all of staff consists of long term XIV raiders, who are eager and willing to teach new raiders everything they've learned so far, or join up with other long term raiders to get content done. This consists of extreme, unreals, savage, and ultimate raiding. We all love what raiding in this game has to offer, and we're so stoked to be able to share that with others. We have a no attitude policy for our raiders however, we understand upset happens, but we ask if you hop in, you let the raid lead handle what needs to be handled, and if whatever is taking place makes you unhappy somehow, remove yourself from the situation and report it to staff. We aim for all of our content adventures to be as comfy as they can for all involved, raid leads and new raiders alike.
We have a big love of other content in XIV as well, from adventuring forays like Bozja and Eureka (we're SUPER looking forward to shades triangle), treasure maps, fates, deep dungeons (one of our officers is a necromancer and wants to pour that knowledge into all of us, prepare yourself for POTD runs), and so much more. This game has a never ending supply of content that's available to all of us, even those of us with 10k hours in game have so much more to still do. We so look forward to doing it all with ya. c:
Our group adores glam, housing, and gpose. (We'll buy your FC room and help with some furniture!) We love to share it all in our discord server, and we hope to find others with the same interest. You can also find monthly hosted tutorial nights for all of the things above, so even if you're not into it yet, we have the space to help you get there. (Act excited smh). Our group is SUPER moon friendly, if you know you know, you don't have to partake, but if you do, sick! Show off the WoL to us when you hop in.
Above all, our goal is to create a space that is welcoming and comforting to all folks of all walks. We have a 0 bullshit policy, if you're intolerant of others in anyway, you will not find a space here. We have 0 tolerance for racism, homophobia, sexism, or any other prejudices. That is our most definite, and most enforced rule. As adults we should know what's right and wrong. :)
---------DISCLAIMERS:WE ARE 18+, you can find NSFW content within our discord, however you can entirely opt out of it if you're uninterested.While we are "moon friendly" group, we're not a group that condones the use of any mods that provide a gameplay advantage, or RMT. You will be removed from our FC at first sight of this. Thanks for understanding!
---------We look forward to meeting you, and hope we offer something you can enjoy!
fc/server rules
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
╰┈➤Be Respectful
╰┈➤Don't spam chat
╰┈➤Don't use our server like a dating service, we can tell!
╰┈➤Don't message users w/o explicit permission
╰┈➤Don't threaten other users
╰┈➤Follow discord & XIV user guidelines
(or don't share if you're not lmao)
╰┈➤Don't try to manipulate the rules
╰┈➤No racism, sexism, homophobia, or otherwise harmful behavior.
╰┈➤Keep religion and politics outta chat.
╰┈➤Keep any and all NSFW content in it's proper channels, you'll be warned once, but if it continues to happen you'll be subject to removal. Not everyone is into that.
╰┈➤Your presence in our Discord server and FC implies agreement to these rules
╰┈➤Staff reserves the right to ban users with 0 warning at any time for behavior that is deemed disruptive
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
trailer to our friendship
click fullscreen to reduce lag!
dawntrail group clears
The Jade Stoa (unreal) - 01/11/25

Worqor Lar Dor - 12/07/24

Everkeep - 01/03/25

M1S - 12/03/24

M2S - ??/??/??

The Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic) - ??/??/??

our house - Malboro - Empyreum - ward 5 - plot 8
our movie theater - Malboro - Goblet - ward 23 - plot 55
our blackjack room - Malboro - Empyreum - ward 5 - plot 8 - room 4
member rooms
taylor blais
room 20
gray gorgon
room 1
aurelia moonrose
room 13
arri ghent
room 5
mattea willow
room 2
jimbob humperdink
room 6
nova staff
fixer - lead
CYBERSTINKERHi I'm Gray! I'm one of the 3 Neo Nova leads. My focus in the FC is recruitment of new friendos, housing, event hosting, raid leading, and loads more. I can help you with just about anything. I've been an FC/guild lead in various MMOs for years, facilitating a space people enjoy spending time, and hanging out are some of my favorite aspects of it all. I can't wait to meet ya in game and help you achieve the goals you wanna achieve. ♥
I'm also big on shooters, I have a sick cyberpunk obsession (can you tell?), and I'm big on music! If you ever wanna sit in VC and yap about the above I GOT you. c:
netrunner - lead
NECROMANCER, BTWHello, I'm Mattea! I'm also one of the 3 leads in Neo Nova. I focus on running things like Deep Dungeons (Necromancer btw), the Field Operations (Eureka, Bozja, and soon Shade's Triangle), some general mount farming. Got a backlog of content you've been needing to find the motivation to do? I'll MAKE you motivated to do it! For my part, I handle thing a little more behind-the-scenes such as assisting with our "financials", making sure we have buffs prepped and ready, and other things that keep things going smoothly on a day-to-day basis. I've been playing MMOs for more than 15 years, and one of my favorite things is helping people achieve unconventional or fringe goals, like soloing Deep Dungeons!
LEGENDARY RIPPER OF ASSMeowdy! Rengaria Hawkins here, Ren for short. I'm one of the three leads here at Neo Nova. My tasks lean more into player behavior and ensuring it's easy to have a good time here. I direct most of my attention towards getting fresh faces into higher end content in a safe space, but you'll most often see me as a helping hand while Gray/Mattea handle the day-to-day operations B). Final Fantasy XIV aside, I'm big on all sorts of shooter games, specifically CS2, Valorant and Battlefield/CoD, League of Legends(I'm retired though), and fantasy elements as a whole (LoTR, Skyrim, Witcher, D&D I'm just beginning to get in to). Be patient, be kind, and we'll get along just fine!
medtech - event hosts

YAKUZA ENJOYERHey! I’m Manuel, I’m in charge of anything map related and am always looking for ways to make more money. Last MMO I played before this for any amount of time was EverQuest and my favorite genre of game in general are RPGs (ask me about the Yakuza series sometime). I use video games as a way to relax after a long days work, so make sure you enjoy it!

GOOFBALL EXTRAORDINAIREHowdy, I'm Jimbob Humperdink (no relation) and I'm the resident variety event host, doing Fates and Unreals on alternating Thursdays. I'm always happy to help people out with older content, or jump in and assist with high end content, though I'm still progging the current tier. I only started playing in March 2024 after taking a long break from MMOs after Wrath of the Lich King. I'm always happy to hop into VC with anyone who wants to hang out, crack a few jokes, and run some content. Outside of FFXIV I play factorio (the factory must grow), and multiplayer games with my friends in the FC, which hopefully will include you soon too!

NEUROMANCERHey! I'm Neuro Mancer and I host an every other Friday deep dungeon crawl to help players get into this content. I also tag along with other things like Bozja, Maps, Fates, item and achievement farming and some high end content. I'm also really into music, cyber, cyberpunk, and introverted gaming (trust me, even if you have imposture syndrome, you're killing it).

BUNNY BUDDYHi im Balentine, Your rp buddy and event host! You can catch me anytime at my tarot shop or just doing some dailies<3 Reach out if you want to play some content!
how to join
There's a few ways you can join our FC, or even become a friend of the FC to trial with us! If everything you've seen sounds like something you're interested in, we'd love to have ya!
If you're looking to become a member of our FC, you can join our * discord * and let a member of staff (lead, officers, or enforcers) know that you need an invite in game, or you can apply at our plot in game. Empyreum, ward 5, plot 8.
If you're interested in having a group to just run content with, but you're stuck on another world, you're more than welcome to join our * discord * for events, however FC members will always get first event prio, as well as access to more giveaways due to having the members role. People with our friends role are also subject to monthly purges, as we like to keep our group as close knit as possible. If you join and are inactive odds are you will be removed. :(
If you're interested in testing the waters with us before joining, you can join as a friend as well. All are welcome. ♥If you'd like to yap to the lead before you join the server, feel free to message me, Gray, on discord by clicking here!